THE TABLET, SATURDAY, MARCH proof been given than In our own War Affects Indies sin they know. Hence educate every one and evil will disappear. Tn huildlnsr the tower of Babel, men used different woras to tuguiT UiC times. Our modern educators, and The doea not are still under consideration and will be announced on the ewnln of the contest Archeonfraternity Meets The ladies of the Archcbnf rater nuy will Walsh will go back into antiquity to present the rightly famous "First Phillipic" of Demosthenes. James Cos grove will deliver the speech in John Mo Garrell will present Daniel O'Con-nell's "Speech Against Union with John Toner will deliver the famous "Speech from the Dock" of Henry, while Robert Edwards will bring us up to date with the fa our press, by the denial of guilt, sin, evil, and penance, sacrifice and rep-iri" convinced us there is no God; they have not convmceo us of the futility of the Cross; they have not convinced us there is no eviL But they have convinced us there is a Devil, for the Devil is triumphant when he induces his followers to say there is no Devil! SEES RULE OF THE SPIRIT OF Eft Msgr.
Sheen Says Hating Of Dictators Is Not Consistent participate in a Holy Hour at th St. Peter Claver Convent chapel, 1 Jefferson Brooklyn, Wednes day, March 12, at 7:45 in the eve ning." same things and knew cot what each other spoke; but today we use the same words but refer to different things. At that time it was only tongues and ears that were confused; today it is the minds and souls oi men. With Hamlet who said to Polonius when asked: "What readest a de-Christianized culture can only answer: "Words! Words! Words!" What is large we call small; what Is small call large. Russia enthrones the cada-Ter of Lenin and the starving millions dance around the corpse and tion and false politics, the former of which denies evil and the latter of which limits evil to dictatorships, eM.iicm?, wr milk, or bad glands.
Evil is real; it is in uie human heart; born first in man, then socialized in groups and society. Like Bartimeus. the son of Timeus, who begged on the streets of Jericho, we too are blind. We really have eyes and see not. We need the touch of a Saviour who on His way to the Cross stops in His Journey despite the rebuke of a crowd, and opens blind eyes to Redemption and Salvation.
God grant that we in America may see before it is too late. Today we are fearing the wrong thing. As Sacred Scripture says, we fear where there is no fear. We fear 1 take away evil because the training of the reason is quite distinct from the training of the will; is not doing. Modern education which trains only the mind takes away error sometimes; but It does not train the will or take away sin.
Nothing is so destructive of our national life than this fallacy that the educated are sinless because they have an AB. and that the immature are wrong because they never heard of Bert rand RusselL The truth is rather the contrary; the uneducated in this country have less evil in them than the intelligentsia; they may make more errors, but they commit less sin. And on the MacDEYITT SONS- r' Oratorical Contest At Brooklyn Prep On Friday evening, March 14, the students of Brooklyn Preparatory i mous Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen on "Liberty and Democracy," and Ed- i ward Rayner will deliver the ad- dress of Mr.
Hitler to Mr. Daladier. Rev. George J. McCarthy, is; director.
The prizes to be awarded are gifts of the Fathers Guild ofj Brooklyn Prep and will consist of a gold and silver medal in each di- vision. The Judges for the contest I "23 Yri- Expfrtmew" Account finlt Tax Consul Qun Office, 34-44 88th St. JocksoA Height! NEwlown 9-0419 26 Court Brooklyn, N. Y. TRiongla 5-1860 rnHnvtar la th eomolet text of call It "life." A word like "democ- A iJ fhe addreaa, Ht- I racy" is used to support the anti- School will present their annual oratorical and elocution contest in the Prep auditorium, Carroll democrauc, auiU-drn-n burning of ten thousand churches and Brooklyn, at 8:15 p.m.
The oratorical contest this year will com day oi it. win oe iar Better to be ignorant before the lace oi th" nut-side when we should fear the inside; we fear eienul ir gers, but not the internal sins which produce collective Ills. We fear ic the fiftieth anniversary of Pope Leo XTH's iamou wcycli cal "Rerum Novarum" and each of the speakers in the Senior Division will present an original composition dealing with some phase of this fa- 54: man, too, when we should fear God. ered by Hi. Iter.
Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen en the Catholic Boor beard the- Red Network of the tional Broadcastlnr Company last Sunday. Thla ia the twelfth of a series of nineteen address, under the aunpiee of the National Council Catholic Men, by Msgr. Sheen on the subject of "Guilt." All the addresses will be available In one pamphlet at the conclusion of the aeries, There la an Inconsistency deeply rooted In our national life, which needs must, be removed before Man today Is afraid of his own kind Lions do not fear lions; tigers do i t.f i 1 chapels.
A word like "civil liberties" is used to defend a violation of "civil a word like "freedom" is used to mean absence of law, authority, and restraint. There Is No Evil When professor teaches gross Immorality to students or incites to revolution, we confuse the Issue by saying "academic then when a Communist Is arrested for sabotage, his fellow travellers call it when the Church pleads for the preservation of the family against artificial restriction They fear only letter on Labor. not fear tigers I 'TlWiH-W IE: John Delany will deliver an ad Almighty God than worldly wise but sinful. What Is true of education which denies guilt is true of politics which identifies guilt with dictators. This is a very false morality.
First, because those who say that dictatorships are evil do not believe it. If dictatorship were wrong we would condemn it wherever we found it. Not all Americans believe an ariti-God, anti-human dictatorship is wrong. If all did, they would not call Russia a "friendly nation." Second, if the only evil in the world were dictatorships, would we be a moral world if the three were van- dress on "The Social Order of Frank McNamara will speak on 'The Living John McCabe will discuss whether or not "Our Catholics Are Social Joseph Reilly will present "Today's America can exercise moral leader- ahip ti5 nations. The in- Youth and Modern James Outstanding Features of jour First Mortgage Loans Low Initial Cost Lo Interest Rate No Bonus Payment! No Renewal Feet Small Periodic Payment reduces principal save substantial sura in interest fees.
i Hve married love, the Churcn consistency Is between our eauc- From tne Dutch West Indies, now in the war news, comes this picture of the -first Vicar Apostolic of Java, the Most Rev. Albertus Soegijapranata, S. the first Javanese to receive the fullness of the priesthood. The of Holland has cut off all support ot u.c from the mother country, and the Catholic laity has taken steps to make the Church there self-supporting. (N.C.W.C.) Flanagan will promote 'The Union a.Ufd 'Z which is outside their species.
But man fears man. The capitalist fears the worker, the worker the capitalist, the poor fear the rich, the rich fear the poor but no One fears God. If man only knew it, he fears man because he has ceased to fear God for the man who has lost his roots in God is the terror of his fellowmen. "The lear of the Lord Is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7) only tnc for in later stages love replaces fear. Buv the beginning we must fear justice for our injustice; retribution for our sins; consequences for our moral misdeeds.
There will never be peace tion of intrinsic right as the en dowment of God is labelled by some quisheaf DiJ ih- world become safe for democracy when the jcmc of our Jurists the plea of Catholic Workmen" and Peter Regan will propose "The Position of the Supreme Court and the Constitution." Iii Division the Elocution Contest several novel lections will be presented. James that nations invoke spiritual authority for the settlement of inter We are now accepting applications of Hotne Owner or national issues is called "bringing of Brooklyn, in selected section Buyer oi' the' Pope to the White the hout this demand that children be released Queeno and Nassau. It will pay you newly revised Ntortgage Plan. or Calt Today fntwr i tion and our politics. On the one hand, secular college and university education teaches In one form or another that there Is no such thing as evil or guilt, that there are no absolute standards of right and wrong, that right and wrong! depend entirely upon one's point of view.
On the other hand, the very products of this a-moral education are now, in the domain of politics, pointing their fingers at Hitler and Mussolini not at Stalin, of course and saving: "They are wicked; they are wrong; they are evil." Naturally we are tempted to ask: -If right and wrong are relative to a point of view, then from Hitler's point of view he is right and we are wrong, and the only way to settle the dispute is by the methods of the jungle. Furthermore, If there is no went to Doom? Would it be safe tomorrow if Hitler went to Canossa? More Than One Evil Dictators are not the only evils. They are more the creatures of evil than the creators the creatures of godlexsness, selfishness and repudiation of morality, domestic, industrial, and international. By limiting evil to dictatorships we take eyes off ourselves and thus delay that eradiction of evil from our own lives which would strengthen us, more than armaments, to defeat that evil from without. This denial of evil has hindered our moral development.
Evil, when it is recognized as such and repented, leads a man to reach a night is day and day is night. So too the modern world which has lost both its eyes of faith and Its eyes of reason can be made to believe the spirit of anti-Christ Is not here, for having forgotten Christ, who shall persuade it there is an anti-Christ? Our blindness is colossal and the root of our evil is our refusal to admit evil and sin. If only we admitted we were blind there would be hope; but hellish blindness thinks it can see. Men think that evil must come in the disguise of a crarm nr n. bomb, or a raid, or an 1 iapu'ness" "Thrift firings an hour a week from schools for religious and moral training is opposed not in the name of anti-religion No! But in the name of education: "The child has not' enough school time now to finish his important studies." These same so-called educators who would pull their hair out if a child were given the wrong combination of colors on a toy are the very ones who teach the.
child there Is no such thing as wrong. What Is this blindness which has so possessed us that we deny that evil exists and yet want to go to in this world so long as man fears man rather than God. To fear God is not only to love God, but also to love one's fellovvman. We need a new kind of fear not just a fear of the Invader that strikes our shores, but a fear lest by denying there Is evil, we be impotent to strike it; a fear that if we say all we need is bread, bread is all we will get as if man could life by bread alone; a fear that by denying evil we will lose the ideal of goodness; a fear lest while protecting our boundaries, our inner citadels our homes we be seized from with 75 LEWIS AVE. (ollff of Arts and Sclcncri B.
B. B. S. in Sew. Pre-Law, Pre-Dant.
Taeheri Colleta I courses for A. B. 8.. B. S.
in Educj Evrnin- and Afternoon Graduate Srhool 'courses for M. 8., Ph. aft. Si tv'g. crrwren Tr rlirht and wrong, how could Hitler Ukli Mi UL.
I iven PYnlosinn or a train wreck, or a I higher degree of perfection be wrong and how could we be right? If there is no black and white, why call the coal black and the snow white? St. Johns Prep. in. bank failure, forgetful that the! the angels of heaven rejoice more arAtMt. criPf can come to man un- at one sinner doing penance than SAVINGS BANK GATES AVE.
and BROADWAY BROOKLYN There are many reasons why we Classical, 1 1 preparatory courses. Vincftntian Fathers. New der the disguise of human ideals know evil Is existent in the world; "1 ninety-nine Just who need not penance. The recoil of repentance Our education denies moral standards while our politics affirms modern building, fully equlprted laboratories, (rymnasium, swim- It Is under the masquerade of a mlnir pool. 82 Lewis Ave.
at them, and only in particular in there are many reasons why we be- I lieve In the spirit of anti-Christ, I But never before has a stronger 1 JJMjfWlJBeSW'WilalrWIiy fl I HI I I I II wtmtmunt iiiiii niJ" --''fe'' lAaiiaaat Hart St. stances. There is therefore a contradiction between the evil which the modem man would like to con 1 of C.B.I.. am! OTIIEIt 4'A'B'EIOIJC i ANIMATIONS progress which denies sin and guilt often summons forth energies In the that anti-Christ parades the world opposite direction. But if a man today sits in our lecture rooms, i denies there is sickness, then how writes in our magazines, struts shall he make efforts to restore him-across our stages, promising to re- self to health? If a man thinks he deem man when he has left the; knows it all, whence shall come his Crass and penance behind, but only 1 energies to learn? If there be no completing man enslavement when evil, how shall we repent? How can war to crush it? It is the blindness of the spirit of anti-Christ.
The spirit of anti-Christ is upon us, and It is part of our blindness to know It not. The greatest disaster that can happen to a man or a nation is not to do evil; it is to 'deny that evil exists by calling evil another name like "progress." That Is the unforgivable sin and the greatest of all sins, for if we deny we are wounded when our body bleeds, what need have we of healing? We think that the spirit of anti-Christ should come with cloven hoofs and a tail, reeking with the smell of sulphur, with smoke belch-fm his ears and unmistakable green fumes from his demn In others, and his own denial of evil which his apostasy from God created. He does not want to give up himself as the final standard of it is alreadv too late for him to free i we deieat evil unless muw The condition of national peace is what is right and wrong, and yet sees that the same standard in others produced Hitler, the World himself. Only Sin Is Ignoranco the scrapping both of false educa- V7s.r. nd chaos.
Like a man who, when his wile r-sm saying 6he hears a burglar downstairs, In slsts violently that it is only her imagination, and yet goes, down UiJUJ W-imi LLl lJJ HH 1.11 There is a radical inconsistency in our way of life; that is, in our; education which denies there is evil, and ir. nur politics which says die- tators are evil. II uicrc no grime, who shall be called grimy? If tneie be no disease who shall be called sick? If there be no decay, who shall be called rotten? The choice is not between an education which denies guilt and a politics which UifHUAt Mil MH mm ff mouth a spectre so hideous that au men shrink from him in terror and The Devil, would Jiot be wise If he came as the devUV for there is no deceit when evil wears no false face. If we called vice "vice" and not "self-expression" who would be tempted? Satan would have no appeal unless he clothed 3 ROOM Maple OIDTFIT liviivc room suite a -fj TK ySOLID MAPLE 5 Pc. DINETTE MM txtttvt T3 Arn Wi BEDROOM SUITE I LIVING ROOM -Ij Ji4pfJ; RrCULAOTV tS9.
Truly super jM xH I .1 greatest we've had in many year. lUH I $'Sl 4. VVSv tinished in a beautiful honey tone; ii Pmr iTfM I WKft tkt (Mtatarul rch tarui hd( 4np mm! uny muck wijh. Tk stairs trembling like a leaf fearful of bumping head on with -the marauder, to modern roan-, who eays evil Is only a survival of the imagination of Medieval Theologians, now shakes In fear from the evil he denied but which he knows In his heart to be only too real. Our Inconsistency Modern man cannot go on in this Inconsistency.
He cannot keep his false education which denies guilt and his condemnation of Hitler and Mussolini as guilty. He cannot have himself as an angel of light; hell would have no one knocking at its portals unless they were gilded with the gold of Paradise. The Christ comes to men with His cross that is why He has so few followers. Immh rub mm! Om HN tmiin a ctlm. FREE TREADS witfc fr fiHinf fwnmmtU w4 makes only dictators guilty.
Both are false and both must be scrapped in their present form. Education which denies evil must be abandoned because It fails to make a distinction between an intellectual error and bad behavior. If I add ten and ten to make thirty, I err, and an eraser can correct it; but if I tell a falsehood about my neighbor and ruin his reputation I sin. Modern education makes no distinction between error and sin; it teaches that what we call evil is only an intellectual error. That Is why it preaches that crime and anti-social behavior are due to mental immaturity.
Only the ignorant sin; the Intelligentsia can't mtf fittH( wMt ImU f. mUril arch in place Satan comes without a cross, and not until victims are his do they know that the greatest cross in life is not to have the Cross. Something Is Rotten Do not evil men disguise their evil; do not the Bolsheviks destroy Christianity In the name of does not Hitler destroy Poland in the name of 'i it both ways. But trying to keep both, he utters such ridiculous judgments as that Hitler is an enemy when he invades the left side of Poland and Stalin is a ftfend when he invades the right. Burglary Is apparently wrong when you rob a stateroom on the starboard side of a ship, but positively friendly if you steal from the port side.
M. GLUCKSMAN 1 40 Fiflh Brooklrn Between Beraen and Dean SU. rhon NEvin 8-0963 Open Evenings Till 9 does not Mussolini invade Albania How shall be describe this aban- donment of universal moral princl- in the name of do not MEMBER C.BX. AND OTHER CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS pies, except to say that we are stricken with a blindness such as it has been written will come upon all mm before the end of time? Just tcfeCall Cructftx of anti-Christ be les3 wise than his disciples? Did not Our lord speak of the 'devil as the "prince of this world" certainly, princes are not frightening and particularly when they are princes of this world? Did not Satan himself in tempting Our Lord say as he paraded the nations 5 Pieces SOLID MAPLE A VtAXDSOME CRUCIFIX Thii foot-hioh Crucifix of $oti walnut with inlaid erott ttriv uni fold figure it med in the home eon-itantlv. Comet with attached hook, read to ham on wall.
of the earth before the Saviour's it. ki REGULARLY You aa the light of faith can be extin-j guished so that men no longer Beei the world through the eyes of Christ, so too the light of reason can be snuffed out, so that men no longer see right and wrong. St. Paul told the Romans they had gone blind: "Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened" (Romans) 1.1). Something like that has happened to modem world and with perfect Justice might Isalas say to us again: "Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: 25 couldn't wish for more rtrarriv or well male let.
IS MONTHS TO PAT 0e aricn are lc ttth rim! Tka aly iharia far trtiH It a maath a tlx aaaaid ilm. N. taara far Vv. Jlsn- I- rf if "'hi if .4 4 4 Rich maple finish thit will never lose its charm. aay acaata, i at.
eyes: to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them" (Luke Did not St. John say: "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. And power was given him over every tribe, and people, nnd tongue, and nation. And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written In the book of life of the Lamb, which' was slain from the be that put darkness for light, and light far darkness: that put bitter tnf and sweet for -bitter ginning of the world" (Apocalypse IJk those who have lost their Something Is rotten with the world; and -that rottenness is so physical vision, men. give name to thines which- they no longer per radical and universal that it can be explained not by things, but by a Tmarti tor celve.
To real things we giv false names: to falsa things we give real names. Words refer not to things. spirit the spt of eviL It Is our blindness not to know there is eviL because we denied its existence. A man without eyes can be persuaded SICK CALL A tinel movement lift the erote to reveal compart' meat contaru-int two c-dlet. a bottle but to myths or slogans to a confusion worse confounded than Babel, lor o( ter.
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